Friday 14 July 2017

Forex Pantip 2012

Top 400 High-End Department Stores amp Luxury Shops Se você gosta, compre dois. - Duquesa de Cambridge. Certo ou errado, o cliente sempre está certo. - Marshall Field. Apenas tantos dias de compras até o Natal. - Harry Gordon Selfridge. Todos os meus amigos sabem que a Id prefere fazer compras do que comer. - Wallis Simpson, Duquesa de Windsor. O vendedor não sabe nada do que ele está vendendo, exceto que ele está cobrando um grande negócio demais para isso. - Oscar Wilde. SHOPPING é o exame de bens ou serviços de varejistas com a intenção de comprar naquele momento. Compras é uma atividade de seleção e compra. Em alguns contextos, é considerado uma atividade de lazer e econômica. Para muitos, as compras são consideradas uma atividade recreativa e diversificada em que se visita uma variedade de lojas em busca de um produto adequado para comprar. A compra de janelas é uma atividade que os compradores se envolvem navegando nas lojas sem intenção de compra, possivelmente apenas para passar o tempo entre outras atividades, ou para planejar uma compra posterior. Mais recentemente, as compras compulsivas são reconhecidas como um vício. Também referido como vício de compras, shopaholismo ou formalmente oniomania, esses compradores têm um desejo impulsivo e incontrolável de fazer compras. O termo terapia de varejo é usado em um contexto menos grave. 10 mentiras sobre o círculo consumista das festas negras de Black - The Guardian. 14 maneiras de você ser roubado no aeroporto - Telegraph. Guia de presentes de férias 2016 - The Verge. Grupo Alibaba - desde 1999. O comércio global começa aqui. Empresa chinesa de comércio eletrônico que fornece serviços de vendas de consumidores para consumidores, negócios para consumidores e negócios para empresas através de portais da web. Ele também fornece serviços de pagamento eletrônico, um mecanismo de busca de compras e serviços de computação em nuvem centrados em dados. Amazon - fundada em 1994. Empresa americana de comércio eletrônico internacional com sede em Seattle, Washington. É a maior empresa baseada na Internet nos Estados Unidos. A Amazon começou como uma livraria online, mas logo se diversificou, vendendo DVDs, VHSs, CDs, video e downloads de downloads de MP3, software, videogames, eletrônicos, vestuário, móveis, alimentos, brinquedos e jóias. A empresa também produz eletrônicos de consumo, os leitores de livros eletrônicos Amazon Kindle, os tablets Kindle Fire, o Fire TV e o Fire Phone e é um dos principais fornecedores de serviços de computação em nuvem. Sexta-feira negra - sexta-feira após o Dia de Ação de Graças nos Estados Unidos (quarta quinta-feira de novembro), muitas vezes considerado o início da temporada de compras de Natal. Black Friday Deal ou Dud Como comprar Smart nesta temporada de férias - The New York Times. Sexta-feira preta (compras) - sexta-feira após o Dia de Ação de Graças nos Estados Unidos (quarta quinta-feira de novembro), muitas vezes considerado o início da temporada de compras de Natal. CALVIN KLEIN - localizador universal de lojas. Cool Hunting - Sinônimo de busca de histórias e vídeos destacam criatividade e inovação em design, tecnologia, estilo, cultura, alimentação e viagens. Com uma equipe global de editores e contribuidores, criamos nossa publicação premiada, que consiste em atualizações diárias e mini documentários semanais. Cyber ​​Monday - termo de marketing para a segunda-feira após o feriado de Thanksgiving nos Estados Unidos. O termo Cyber ​​Monday foi criado por empresas de marketing para persuadir as pessoas a comprar on-line. Cyber ​​Monday tornou-se um termo de marketing internacional usado por varejistas online em todo o mundo. LOJA DE DEPARTAMENTO - Wikipedia. Lojas de compras duty-duty 124 DFS T Galleria amp Airport Shops - DFS O Duty Free shopping oferece uma ampla gama de marcas e produtos de luxo em nossos locais DFS T Galleria e lojas duty duty duty. O maior revendedor de marcas de luxo do mundo. EBAY - fundado em 1995. Site de leilões e compras on-line em que pessoas e empresas compram e vendem uma ampla variedade de bens e serviços em todo o mundo. Entre no corredor do sapato, sinta seu zumbido do telefone com um negócio pessoal - The New York Times. LIVRO DE ENTRETENIMENTO CARTÃO DE AMBAS - grandes economias em restaurantes, compras, viagens, atrações amp mais. ETSY - Compra, Venda e Live Handmade. Seu lugar para comprar e vender todas as coisas feitas à mão, vintage e suprimentos. FASHION TRAVELER - The Worlds First Fashion Shopping Guide. FENDI - localizador de lojas. FLAGSHIP STORE - uma loja principal da empresa que é usada para exibir as várias marcas que a loja oferece. Ao contrário de outras lojas dentro da cadeia, o carro-chefe é geralmente mais impressionante, maior e pratele mais mercadorias do que o resto. Floorwalker - um empregado em uma grande loja (especialmente uma loja de departamentos) que atua como supervisor da equipe de vendas e auxilia os clientes. Fortnum amp Mason totes vendas recorde - The Telegraph. GAP - opera mais de 3.100 lojas em todo o mundo. Obtenha satisfação - desde 2007. Comunidade de clientes para suporte social, marketing social e comentários do cliente. GROUPON - Poder de compra coletivo. Site do site que está localizado nos principais mercados geográficos dos Estados Unidos e do Canadá. A partir de outubro de 2010, a Groupon atende mais de 150 mercados na América do Norte e 100 mercados na Europa, Ásia e América do Sul. Harry Gordon Selfridge - (1858-1947). Magnate de varejo britânico nascido nos Estados Unidos que fundou a loja de departamentos Selfridges, com sede em Londres. Como não pagar demais na sexta-feira negra Deixe a web ser seu guia - The New York Times. Como o cheiro da canela nos sedimenta para gastar dinheiro para se sentir melhor - Medical Daily. Como escolher a linha mais rápida no supermercado - The New York Times. Como economizar dinheiro (e aborrecimentos) em sua Black Friday Shopping - The New York Times. Eu tentei fazer minhas compras com os botões Amazon Dash - The Guardian. Ikea Forever - The New York Times. JDPOWER - tornando mais fácil ser um consumidor. Apenas quanto de energia a sua eletrônica usa quando eles estão desligados - The New York Times. KABOODLE - divirta-se com amigos, compartilhe e descubra novos produtos. KANTAR WORLDPANEL - Líder mundial em conhecimento e conhecimentos do consumidor com base em painéis de consumidores contínuos. KELKOO - Find. Comparar. Salve . Um serviço europeu de comparação de preços fundado na França em 1999. Guia de compras de Los Angeles: onde comprar até você soltar - The Telegraph. LUCKYMAG - a fonte on-line para o estilo de ampliação de compra da Lucky Magazine. LUISAVIAROMA - compras de luxo, transporte mundial. Faça do seu telefone um valioso comprador de compras de ferias - The New York Times. Mapeando os Worlds Prices 2015 - Deutsche Bank. MARNI - loja virtual. MODCLOTH - varejista online americano, com sede em Pittsburgh, PA, especializado em vestuário, acessórios e decoração vintage, inspirado no vintage e indie. MYSTERY SHOPPING - ferramenta usada externamente por empresas de pesquisa de mercado. NEIMAN MARCUS - o livro de Natal 2010. NET-A-PORTER - Melhor varejista de moda de luxo online. Roupa, sapatos, malas e acessórios de designer para mulheres. ODD PRICING - explicação do amplificador de definição. PIXMANIA - Produtos de alta tecnologia a preços imbatíveis, serviço incluído. PRICERUNNER - Compare preços. Um site de comparação de preços, um serviço gratuito que foi lançado em 1999. Comparamos milhares de produtos e milhões de preços, economizando tempo e dinheiro. Preços psicológicos - definição de explicação do amplificador. Passaporte roxo - coleção baseada na web de guias chiques e de balcão único para experimentar as cidades do mundo com estilo. O site nasceu de uma paixão pela viagem, um amor das grandes cidades do mundo e um desejo de difundir a palavra. RACKED - Shopping and Style Intelligence. Racks obsessões sobre varejo e compras - de calçadas a passarelas - nos centros de moda mais influentes do país. RALPH LAUREN - lojas de navios de bandeira. As lojas de razões reais querem que você se inscreva para receber e-receipts - The Guardian. Rebranding - estratégia de marketing em que um novo nome, termo, símbolo, design ou combinação deles é criado para uma marca estabelecida com a intenção de desenvolver uma identidade nova e diferenciada na mente dos consumidores, investidores, concorrentes e outras partes interessadas. Calculadora de revenda - Calcule o potencial valor de revenda de seus itens pré-amados. Selecione a marca do seu item: Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Herm232s, C233line, Balenciaga, Gucci, Prada, Dior, Saint Laurent, Isabel Marant, Valentino amp Louboutin. SEPHORA - é uma cadeia de lojas de cosméticos fundada na França em 1993 e adquirida pelo conglomerado parisiense LVMH em 1997. A cadeia Sephora inclui mais de 750 lojas em 21 países. Ele transporta mais de 250 marcas de itens que incluem maquiagem, cuidados com a pele, fragrâncias, banho, produtos capilares, ferramentas para cabelo e outros acessórios de beleza, incluindo o próprio rótulo privado Sephoras. SHOP USA - compre online nos EUA. Seu endereço de recepção nos Estados Unidos. Compre de qualquer vendedor. Nós enviamos para todo o mundo. SHOPIFY - Venda online. Crie sua loja online hoje. O Shopify fornece um site de comércio eletrônico, uma área de administração fácil de usar e hospedagem segura: tudo o que você precisa para vender seus produtos online. COMPRAS - Wikipedia. Showrooming - definição amplificação explicação. ESTILO - tendências da moda e novidades. TEMPLOS DE CONSUMO - Shopping Centers como catedrais seculares. O CONSUMERISTA - Shoppers mordem de volta. O BUSQUEDOR DE ETIQUETAS - A melhor maneira de encontrar etiquetas e lojas. Rotular e armazenar diretórios. THE SHOPS at MALLERIES - shopping online projetado para profissionais que estão na antiguidade, arte, mobiliário fino, jóias amp indústria de bens de luxo. ESTE PRÓXIMO - recomende, compartilhe e descubra excelentes produtos. Somos uma comunidade de compradores que compartilham nossos melhores achados em toda a web. Somos apaixonados por produtos novos, exclusivos e interessantes que possibilitam e enriquecem nossas vidas. ThisNext é um lugar onde você pode encontrar outros que compartilham seu gosto e, através deles, descobrem coisas novas que você vai adorar. Ao aproveitar a sabedoria coletiva da nossa comunidade, ThisNext é inestimável para os fabricantes de sabores e os líderes de pensamento que se voltam para este próximo para encontrar os produtos e as tendências que estão moldando seu mundo. Thomas Goode - 9 South Audley Street, Mayfair, Londres, U. K. Desde 1827. Purveyors of Luxury. Casa dos melhores mundos da China, utensílios de prata e copos de vidro. Para um toque verdadeiramente individual. Nosso serviço personalizado coloca você no controle. Os artesãos especializados de Thomas Goodes podem personalizar qualquer um dos nossos projetos com suas especificações exatas. TOURBILLON - 20 boutiques em todo o mundo. Fiel ao espírito das obras-primas assinadas Breguet, Harry Winston, Blancpain, Glash252tte Original, Jaquet Droz e Omega, bem como os modelos Swatch excepcionais, o Tourbillon constitui a rede de distribuição Haute Horlogerie para todas as marcas de prestígio Swatch Groups. Trustpilot - fundado em 2007. Recolha de portal de avaliações em lojas on-line para ser usado como publicidade para seus clientes. O Trustpilot é ativo em 16 países, incluindo Dinamarca, Suécia, Noruega, Holanda, Reino Unido, Alemanha, França, Itália e EUA. Tentando um serviço esquecido (e gratuito): Personal Shoppers - The New York Times. O que os consumidores querem ver suas próprias pessoas - The New York Times. Por que odeamos coisas baratas - O livro da vida. Melhores boutiques de moda do mundo - The Telegraph. Worlds Most Spectacular Department Stores - Travel 43 Leisure. DEPARTMENT STORES NO JAPÃO - Wikipedia. GINZA DISTRICT - Wikipedia. MEIJI-YA - loja de delicatessen de luxo comparável ao Fauchon em Paris, Fortnum amp Mason em Londres. Mitsukoshi - cadeia de lojas de departamentos internacionais com sede em Tóquio fundada em 1673. CEREMONIA DE ABERTURA - ambiente multifacetado composto por espaços de varejo, showroom e galeria que estabelece um novo fórum criativo internacional. Cerimônia de abertura reúne talentos americanos emergentes com designers jovens e estabelecidos e artistas do exterior. Mercado de peixe Tsukiji - o maior mercado grossista de peixe e frutos do mar do mundo e também um dos maiores mercados grossistas de alimentos de qualquer tipo. O mercado está localizado em Tsukiji, no centro de Tóquio, e é uma grande atração para visitantes estrangeiros. WAKO CHIC OUTLET SHOPPING VILLAGES - coleção de nove vilas de compras de luxo, que abriga cerca de 900 boutiques de marcas mundiais de moda e estilo de vida que oferecem suas coleções anteriores de temporada com reduções de até 60 no preço de varejo recomendado durante todo o ano. Localizados perto de algumas cidades favoritas da Europes, esses destinos encantadores são adições perfeitas a qualquer itinerário europeu. Graben - é uma rua pedestre no centro de Viena e uma das ruas mais famosas do primeiro distrito de Viennas e o coração das mais famosas ruas comerciais de Viennas. Começa no Stock-im-Eisen-Platz ao lado do Palais Equitable e termina na junção de Kohlmarkt e Tuchlauben. Outra rua no primeiro distrito é chamada Tiefer Graben (fosso profundo). É atravessado pelo Wipplinger Stra223e por meio do Hohe Brcke, uma ponte a cerca de dez metros acima do nível da rua. Em Viena, uma Tradição Bespoke Prospera - International New York Times. Knize - Tradição desde 1858. A história distinguida dos KNIZES começou no século XIX, quando Habsburgo Archdukes contratou seus serviços. Nenhum outro pano no mundo dedica mais tempo aos seus ternos do que Knize. Dez dias, 7.000 pontos de mão, e a habilidade do melhor alfaiate da Europes entrar na produção de cada terno personalizado Knize. WILHELM JUNGMANN ampère Neffe - fundada em 1866. Montadora para homens. Retém a sua atmosfera tradicional à procura do futuro. A empresa transporta 1.200 tecidos, incluindo lãs adequadas, tweeds Harris, caixas e até mesmo vicu241a, e oferece costuras internas em uma sala de madeira de carvalho cheia de parafusos de materiais em prateleiras que chegam até tectos altos. RA - Kloosterstraat 13. Desde a sua inauguração em 2009, a RA Antuérpia foi uma plataforma de suporte para a moda direcional e o talento artístico emergente em Antuérpia, na Bélgica. O espaço no coração da cidade é composto por quatro componentes principais: um conceito de varejo de moda, um animado restaurante caf233, um espaço de galeria de arte e uma livraria com curadoria. Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert Como uma simbiose perfeita entre ricos e belos, Cannes atraiu muitas lojas parisiense de Haute Couture e Hauts Prix. Promenade de la Croisette - aqui você encontrará as lojas mais caras de Cannes oferecendo o mais recente das marcas high-end. Rue dAntibes Rue Meynadir Cada cidade do mundo é aclamada como um paraíso de compras pelos guias, ou, na sua falta, pela câmara local de comércio. Em Paris, a descrição se encaixa. Os portões para o paraíso são o oitavo e os primeiros arrondissements: a Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honor233, as avenidas Montaigne, Franccedilois Ier, George V. Os altos sacerdotes da alta costura são alojados - ou palacados - entre os Campos Elísios e o Sena. AVENUE DES CHAMPS-LYS201ES - a principal rua comercial de Paris. AVENUE MONTAIGNE - dedicada, ao longo do seu comprimento, a lojas de alta moda e outros estabelecimentos exclusivos. COMPRA DE PARIS Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honor233 - uma das ruas mais elegantes do mundo, graças à presença de praticamente todas as grandes casas de moda globais. Fábrica de chocolate Alain Ducasses - 40, rue de la roquette, 75011 Paris. Angelina - 226, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, França. A uma curta distância do Louvre, o interior do Belle 201poque deste famoso salão de chá francês foi agraciado pela alta sociedade de Paris desde 1903. Opte por um pequeno-almoço típico francês ou a especialidade da casa: um chocolate quente rico e tradicional, que é exquisitamente com um croissant. Au Nain Bleu - desde 1836. 252, boulevard Saint-Germain, 75007 Paris. Au Nain Bleu tem deleitado as crianças com seus encantadores brinquedos desde o início do século XIX. Eles abriram em 1836 e são a mais antiga loja de brinquedos de Paris. Embora muitos de seus brinquedos sejam caros, eles também oferecem peças menos pricier e eles continuam sendo uma loja favorita entre crianças de todas as idades. Bordeauxth200que - a maior loja de vinhos de Bordeaux (de propriedade e administrada por Duclot, a casa mercante de Bordeaux, de propriedade de Jean Francois Moueix, dono da P233trus) na loja de departamentos de luxo da loja parisiense Galeries Lafayette, 40 Boulevard Haussmann, 75009 Paris. Carrousel du Louvre. Desde 1993. Centro comercial subterrâneo. O nome refere-se a dois locais próximos, o museu do Louvre e a Place du Carrousel. O shopping contém uma famosa clarabóia, La Pyramide Invers233e (a pirâmide invertida). Moda masculina, moda feminina, mais bem-estar, restaurantes, atividades de lazer, etc. CARTIER - fundada em Paris em 1847 por Louis-Fran231ois Cartier. 13, rue de la Paix. COLETTE - 213, rue Saint-Honor233. Concept store e a boutique de moda e estilo parisiense, em primeiro lugar, fundada em março de 1997. E. dehillerin - desde 1920. 18-20 Rue Coquilli232re. Le sp233cialiste du mat233riel de cuisine. Especialista em ferramentas de cozinha e pastelaria e utensílios de cozinha. ERIC BOMPARD CASHMERE - 91, avenue des Champs-201lys233es. FAUCHON - 24-26, lugar da Madeleine. A melhor loja gourmet de luxo da França. FRED JOAILLIER - fundada em 1936. Subsidiária da LVMH. 7, coloque Vend244me. Galerie de lOpera de Paris - uma soberba boutique aninhada dentro da histórica Opera Garnier. Galerie Vivienne - desde 1823. A Galerie Vivienne é uma passagem no segundo arrondissement de Paris, França. Tem 176 metros (577 pés) de comprimento e 3 metros (9,8 pés) de largura. A galeria foi registrada como um monumento histórico desde 7 de julho de 1974. GALERIES LAFAYETTE - 40, boulevard Haussmann. Desde 1912. Loja divisória de luxo em Paris. GIORGIO ARMANI - 18, avenue Montaigne. GOYARD - 233, rue Saint-Honor233. Fabricante de bagagens francês estabelecido em 1853. H201DIARD PARIS - desde 1854, é uma referência em alimentos finos de luxo, frutas, especiarias, chá, café, foies gras, cestas de presente e muito mais. HEYRAUD - 5, boulevard de la Madeleine. Sapatos bolsas de ampliação. Lachaume - desde 1845. Ma238tre fleuriste desde 1845, Lachaume pouco mudou desde a época ou Marcel Proust veio diariamente para decorar sua casa de botão com um cattleya fresco. Ladur201e - 75, avenue des Champs-201lys233es, 75008 Paris, França. Desde 1862. Casa francesa de padaria de luxo e doces. É um dos maiores vendedores do macaron de dois andares, dos quais quinze mil são vendidos todos os dias. Eles ainda são um dos fabricantes mais conhecidos de macarons no mundo. L201claireur - 26, avenue des Champs Elys233es. Foi em 1980 que Martine e Armand Hadida abriram a primeira loja Lclaireur em Paris. Para eles, era uma maneira de afirmar o caminho escolhido, propondo uma seleção de designers que incorporavam talentos de design direcional. LE BON MARCH201 - 24, rue de S232vres. LEN212TRE - chocolatier desde 1957. 44, rue d'Auteuil. LES CAVES DE TAILLEVENT - 199, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honor233. LOUIS VUITTON - loja principal: 101, avenue des Champs-201lys233es. LOUIS VUITTON Haute Joaillerie - 23, lugar Vend244me. MARNI - 57, avenue Montaigne. MERCI - 111, boulevard Beaumarchais. Haute parfumerie sob medida. Pinel amp Pinel - 22, rue Royale. A casa de luxo bem conhecida por seus troncos contemporâneos e feitos sob medida. POIL194NE - 49, boulevard de Grenelle, 75015 Paris, França. Boulangerie en ligne. A padaria mais famosa do mundo. Amplamente conhecido por um pedaço de pão redondo, de dois quilogramas, referido como uma miche ou dor Poil226ne. PRINTEMPS - 64, boulevard Haussmann. Desde 1865. Loja de departamentos emblemáticos de Paris. Concentre-se em beleza, estilo de vida, moda, acessórios e roupas masculinas. RA - 14 rue de la Corderie. A RA iniciou sua presença em Paris desde 2010 com uma série de exposições em nosso espaço temporário no distrito de Marais durante as semanas de moda para mulheres e homens pr234t-224-porter. A conexão única com a RA Antwerp continuará a evoluir, criando um diálogo artístico enriquecido entre as duas cidades. Salon des Parfums - Cartier, 13 rue de la Paix. Haute parfumerie sob medida. VAN CLEEF amp ARPELS - fundada em 1906. Haute Joaillerie. 24, coloque Vend244me. Saint-Tropez Le Carr233 dOr 124 Triângulo de ouro - todos os maiores nomes da moda estão reunidos em uma espécie de triângulo dourado entre o lugar de la Garona, o rue Sibilli, o rue Allard e a rue Gambetta. Super Shopping - Desde os anos cinquenta, Saint-Tropez é um verdadeiro laboratório para as tendências da moda. As maiores marcas internacionais são estabelecidas neste hot spot de luxo da Riviera Francesa, onde as criações genuínas dos designers são muito aclamadas pelos seguidores da moda. Galerias de arte oficinas de ampliação Moda Gastronomia amp Produtos locais PRESENTES Início ampliação Living Monte-Carlo Carr201 dOr - As boutiques Carr233 dOr possuem os nomes mais famosos do luxo e oferecem as últimas criações de designers de moda como Herm232s, C233line, Christian Dior, Saint Laurent Rive Gauche, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Chanel, Prada, Ichthys e muito mais. A Place du Casino e as estradas vizinhas (Avenue Monte-Carlo, Avenue des Beaux Arts, All233es Lumi232res) criam uma enorme joalharia com Cartier, Chopard, Van Cleef Arpels, Bulgari, Piaget, Repossi e outros. Para os amantes da arte, muitos comerciantes ou designers de antiguidades estão disponíveis para você, incluindo Fersen, Adriano Ribolzi, Gismondi e muitos mais nomes famosos. Chopard - Place du Casino, Caf233 de Paris, Monte-Carlo. Jóias altas. Le Dressing - 2, rue des Orangers amp 1, rue Princesse Florestine. Nós compramos, vendemos e vendemos roupas de luxo designer, bolsas, acessórios, relógios e jóias de marcas como Hermes, Chanel, Louis Vuitton. Mcmarket - 3-11 Avenue des Sp233lugues, Monte-Carlo. Produtos de luxo. M201tropole Shopping Center - 17, avenue des Sp233lugues, Monte-Carlo. 80 boutiques, em frente ao Casino Gardens, recebem você em um d233cor de luxo de mármore lindo sob um candelabro de período magnífico. ZEGG amp CERLATI - 1, place du Casino, Monte-Carlo. Jóias e relógios de luxo. Holanda Kalverstraat - rua comercial ocupada de Amsterdã, também a rua comercial mais cara da Holanda. P. C. Hooftstraat - Fifth Avenue of Amsterdam. Posh e caro rua comercial em Amsterdã. Locação de alguns dos apartamentos mais caros do país, e as marcas internacionais de luxo visam os habitantes locais bem colocados. Aeroporto de Schiphol Amsterdam - compras internas em mais de 100 lojas. A Schiphol tem grandes áreas comerciais como fonte de receita e como atração adicional para os passageiros. O Schiphol Plaza é o centro comercial antes dos costumes, portanto, é usado por viajantes aéreos e visitantes que não viajam. GUM - fundada em 1893. O nome da loja de departamento principal em muitas cidades da antiga União Soviética. TSUM - uma das lojas de departamento mais famosas de Moscou. São Petersburgo Mais de mil lojas em Londres vendem suas belas mercadorias britânicas por nomeação a Sua Majestade a Rainha, mas não apenas com compromisso. Aqueles sem adornos com o Royal Coat of Arms do British Court embutidos em seu faccedilade tentam servir outros tribunais o dinamarquês, por exemplo, ou os holandeses. Os royalties de todo o mundo estão entre os compradores regulares entre St. James Street e Savile Row, mas a jóia da coroa não está necessariamente sempre no topo da lista de compras. Os objetos corteses variam de tubos por Dunhill a dogfood por Clark. O estilo, mesmo nas lojas não afiliadas, é definitivamente real, e Londres continua a ser a meca comercial mais elegante, exclusiva e elitista do mundo. A Inglaterra é uma nação de lojistas. - Napoleão Bonaparte. BOND STREET - Old amp New Bond Streets são as principais ruas comerciais de Londres. Carnaby Street - rua comercial pedestre na cidade de Westminster, Londres, localizada no distrito de Soho, perto de Oxford Street e Regent Street. É o lar de inúmeros varejistas de moda e estilo de vida, incluindo um grande número de boutiques de moda independentes. JERMYN STREET - as lojas são quase exclusivamente destinadas ao mercado de cavalheiros e é famosa por seus estilistas residentes. OXFORD STREET - a principal rua comercial de Londres. PORTOBELLO ROAD - aos sábados é o lar de Portobello Road Market, um dos mercados de rua notáveis ​​de Londons, conhecido por suas roupas de segunda mão e antiguidades. REGENT STREET - uma das principais ruas comerciais de Londons West End. SAVILE ROW - milha dourada de costura. 127 - 127 Brick Lane. Inaugurado em 2005, 127 oferece uma seleção de roupas, sapatos e acessórios de coleções atuais e passadas de designers até e próximos, bem como marcas mais estabelecidas. Abercrombie ampère Fitch - loja principal: 7 Burlington Gardens, Mayfair. Allens of Mayfair - desde 1830. 117 Mount St, Londres W1K 3LA, U. K. Carrinhos on-line - Carne fresca de qualidade. A loja está equipada 20 horas por dia para fornecer carne de qualidade a muitos dos melhores estabelecimentos de Londons, incluindo o Connaught, Claridges, The Dorchester, The Berkeley e The Savoy. O açougueiro mais antigo de Londons está agora online, oferecendo os melhores produtos de carne da temporada disponíveis. Prime Scottish Beef, Steaks, Cordeiro, Porco, Veal, Aves, Frango, Pato. ASPREY - London Flagship Store, 167 New Bond Street. Mercadorias britânicas de luxo desde 1781. Os joalheiros pessoais da Royal Royal Royal. AUSTIN REED - 103 Regent Street. BEAUCHAMP PLACE - loja onde royalty e celebridades compram, navegue nas boutiques. BOODLES - Bond Street, 178 New Bond St. Britains Finest Jewelers desde 1798. BRIONI - 32 Bruton Street. BURBERRY - 121 Regent Street. O novo Burberry World Live Flagship. A maior loja Burberry do mundo. Um espaço onde o mundo digital se encontra com a física, a nova loja Burberry dá-lhe as boas-vindas para tentar roupas na frente de um espelho que se transforma em uma tela. Veja como a peça que você estava vestindo foi feita e o que parece em pleno fluxo na passarela. Os membros da equipe têm iPads pronta para ajudá-lo a encontrar exatamente o que você está procurando e o WiFi convidado está disponível em toda a loja - perfeito para todos os tweeters. Após a entrada na loja, uma enorme tela completa com alto-falantes e palco está lá para recebê-lo. Pode até haver um conjunto acústico ao vivo, apresentando o melhor dos novos artistas emergentes das Grã-Bretanha. Este é o epítome das compras com estilo. BURLINGTON ARCADE - é uma arcada comercial coberta em Londres que corre atrás de Bond Street de Piccadilly até Burlington Gardens. É um dos precursores da galeria de compras europeia do meio do século XIX e do moderno centro comercial. O Burlington Arcade foi construído para a venda de jóias e artigos elegantes de demanda elegante, para a gratificação do público. O Arcade abriu em 1819 e é o primeiro shopping center do mundo. CHANEL BOUTIQUE - 26 Old Bond Street. DAKS - 10 Old Bond Street. REINO UNIDO. Design, fabricação e varejo de vestuário e acessórios sob medida para homens e mulheres. DOVER STREET MARKET FORTNUM amplificador MASON - 181 Piccadilly desde 1707. Os especialistas originais em dificuldades. FOYLES - London, England, U. K. Uma vez listado no Guinness Book of Records como a maior livraria do mundo em termos de área de prateleira (30 milhas50 quilômetros) e número de títulos exibidos. No passado, era famosa por suas práticas de negócios anacrónicas, excêntricas e às vezes exasperantes tanto que era uma atração turística. Desde então, modernizou, abriu novos ramos e estabeleceu uma loja on-line. GARRARD - o joalheiro mais antigo do mundo, estabelecido em 1735. 24 Albemarle Street. Geo. F. Trumper - Cabeleireiro dos Cavalheiros, The Mayfair Shop, 9 Curzon Street, London W1J 5HQ, U. K. Londons Barbeiro, cabeleireiro e perfumista favoritos desde 1875. Geo. F. Trumper é reconhecido como o melhor cabeleireiro tradicional dos cavalheiros em Londres e é conhecido em todo o mundo por sua incomparável gama de perfumarias e produtos de higiene pessoal. GOYARD - 116, Mount Street. Fabricante de bagagens francês estabelecido em 1853. GRAFF - fundado em 1960. As jóias mais fabulosas do mundo. Flagship Store, 6-8 New Bond Street. ARBOLES - 87-135 Brompton Road. A maior loja de departamentos da Europa. Proprietário a partir de 8 de maio de 2010: Qatar Investment Authority. HARVEY NICHOLS - a loja principal na esquina da Knightsbridge e Sloane Street. HOSTEM - 43 Redchurch Street. Novo estabelecimento para homens no coração de Londons East End. HUNTSMAN - 11 Savile Row. Estabelecido 1849. Um decano de Savile Row com a reputação dos ternos mais caros e requintados, feitos sob medida. Os famosos clientes do passado e do presente incluem Charlie Watts, Bing Crosby, Dirk Bogarde, Gregory Peck, Rex Harrison, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. JOHN LEWIS - a primeira loja de John Lewis foi inaugurada em 1864 em Oxford Street, Londres. Nunca Conhecível Undersold. Cadeia de lojas de departamento de luxo que operam em toda a Grã-Bretanha. LAYERS LONDON - 16 Conduit Street. Layers London origina os melhores designers de vanguarda e artesanato de homens e mulheres de todo o mundo. Um lugar onde moda, arte, música e literatura estão localizados dentro de um dos mais conceituais espaços ideais de Londons. LIBERTY - a icônica loja Liberty na: Regent Street (a entrada principal está localizada na Great Marlborough Street). A loja de departamentos vende uma grande variedade de produtos de luxo, incluindo moda para mulheres, homens e crianças, cosméticos e fragrâncias, jóias, acessórios, utensílios domésticos, móveis, papelaria e presentes. Liberty é conhecida por suas impressões gráficas e florais. LN-CC 124 Late Night Chameleon Cafe - 18 Shacklewell Lane, Dalston, Londres E8 2EZ, U. K. O espaço da loja LN-CC atua como uma plataforma em evolução de idéias com curadoria que engloba roupas masculinas, roupas femininas, música e livros. A loja consiste em quatro salas de produtos individuais, uma biblioteca, uma loja de discos, uma galeria e um espaço para clubes para eventos privados com sistema de som vintage personalizado. A loja está aberta 7 dias por semana e opera em uma base de compromisso apenas. Reservar um compromisso é simples e pode ser feito por telefone ou por email. Para um compromisso, ligue para 4344 (0) 20 7275 7265 ou envie um e-mail para appointmentmentsln-cc com sua hora e data preferenciais. London Silver Vaults - A casa da compra de prata. Localizado em Chancery Lane, entre a cidade e West End, The London Silver Vaults é o lar da maior coleção de varejo de prata antiga fina no mundo. Atrás das enormes portas seguras e dentro das suas paredes abobadadas, você pode encontrar qualquer coisa, de uma vara de chamariz a uma poltrona de prata tamanho grande MARKS amp SPENCER - loja principal: Marble Arch, Londres, na 485 Oxford Street. MIKIMOTO - em 1893, o fundador Kokichi Mikomoto tornou-se o primeiro no mundo a cultivar com sucesso uma pérola. 179 Bond Street. OXYGEN BOUTIQUE - 38 Eastcastle Street. Uma loja arty de Londres especializada em rãs peculiares de Nova York. Peter Jones - grande loja de departamento no centro de Londres, localizado no Sloane Square, Chelsea. A loja de departamentos favorita da Duquesa de Cambridges. Piccadilly Arcade - corre entre Piccadilly e Jermyn Street, no centro de Londres. Foi inaugurado em 1909, tendo sido desenhado por Thrale Jell. A entrada principal fica no lado sul de Piccadilly, em frente ao Burlington Arcade. Contém dezesseis lojas de classe alta, muitas das quais vendem roupas, especialmente camisas. ROJA PARFUMES BRAND SHOP - em Harrods, 87-135 Brompton Road, Knightsbridge. ROLAND MOURET - 8 Carlos Place, Mayfair. Sautter - desde 1961. Os melhores charutos de Havana. 106 Mount Street, Mayfair, Londres W1K 2TW, Inglaterra, U. K. SELFRIDGES - 400 Oxford Street. The Jet Business - The Jet Business, One Grosvenor Place, Knightsbridge, Londres SW1X 7JH, U. K. O primeiro show de aviação corporativa de nível de rua para a aquisição e venda de aeronaves de jato privado e serviços auxiliares. A BIBLIOTECA - 268 Brompton Road. Moda masculina Avantgarde. Thomas Goode - 9 South Audley Street, Mayfair. Desde 1827. Provedores de luxo. Home of the worlds finest china, silverware amp glassware. TURNBULL amp ASSER - established 1885. 71 amp 72 Jermyn Street, London. Bespoke shirtmaker. Over 1,000 different shirt fabrics alone are available to customers who wish to express their individuality through the clothes they wear. UDESHI - 8 Davies, Mayfair. Luxury mens fashion and apparel. URBAN OUTFITTERS STORES WESTFIELD - shopping centre in Shepherds Bush in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. Under one roof more than 265 shops from over 15 countries. WILLIAM amp SON - 10 Mount Street, Mayfair. Flagship luxury goods store. Founded by William Asprey, seventh generation member of the Asprey family, in 1999. ZAGLIANI - 8 Sloane Street. Italian luxury handbags. ZARA STORES - Oxford Street area. Middle East Dubais must-visit mini malls - Time Out Dubai. EMAAR BOULEVARD - inspired by the great boulevards of the world, Emaar Boulevard, a 73m wide and 3.5km long lifeline of the buzzing Downtown Dubai, will be one of the finest, and most exclusive shopping strips in the world. Top 10 Malls in Dubai Al Ghurair Centre - Soul of the City. Dubais original urban community offers you, entertainment, outdoor dining, 350 international and regional brands, cinema, and luxury hotels. BURJUMAN - A Better Class of Shopping. Heres where the worlds leading brands mingle comfortably with one another. With 300 leading stores, youll always be spoilt for choice. Deira City Centre - located on the waterfront, Deira City Centre is known for its friendly service. There are over 350 stores with a diverse range of merchandise. Youll find all of the great fashion brands, as well as electronics, jewellery and local specialities such as silk, cashmere and oriental rugs. Its a great place for jewellery with 33 dedicated stores. Dubai Airport Duty Free - available at Terminal 1 and Terminal 3. DUBAI DUTY FREE - since 1983. Has grown to become one of the worlds largest airport retailers. J3 Mall - a distinctive community center, nestled in the heart of Al Manara area. MALL OF ARABIA - unique retail resort within City of Arabia. More than 1,400 diverse retail outlets. MALL OF THE EMIRATES - Shopping is just the beginning. MALL OF THE WORLD - Dubai has on November 24, 2012 announced it will build a new tourism-retail center dubbed the Mall of the World that will include the shopping complex that would outclass the Dubai Mall, previously billed as the worlds largest, and that could welcome 80 million people a year. Mercato Shopping Mall - The Good Life. The mall is designed to look like a Mediterranean town during the European Renaissance in Italy. Located in the prestigious Jumeirah residential area, it marks a clear departure from the Arabian architecture. Piazzas, cobbled streets, and top international brands all make for a fantastic shopping experience. THE DUBAI MALL - worlds largest shopping mall. Home to just about every major fashion brand in the world. A 440,000 square feet Fashion Avenue comprising high and mid-fashion pays homage to haute couture. The Dubai Mall currently has 1,200 stores and 160 food and beverage outlets. Town Centre Jumeirah - bright, open and spacious, Town Centre Jumeirah is home to over 40 outlets which include well-being facilities, a wide range of service providers, specialty stores. List of Shopping Malls in Doha Landmark - since 2000. Shopping mall located in Al Gharaffa in Doha. It is designed like a circus and a fair. Villaggio Mall - since 2006. Shopping mall located in the Aspire Zone in the west end of Doha, the capital city of Qatar. It is located on Al Waab street between the Hyatt Plaza and Sports City and has over 200 stores, including many famous brands in the U. S. U. K. Italian and German markets. North America Atlanta, GA Beverly Hills, CA Los Angeles best shopping area, like so much else, is in Beverly Hills, the rhombus limited by Wilshire and Little Sanata Monica Boulevards, by Bedford and Ca241on Drives, with North Rodeo Drive - the oligarchys favorite trekking path - right in the middle. Bloomington, MN Boston, MA Newbury Street - Rodeo Drive of the East. Located in the Back Bay area of Boston. It runs roughly east-to-west, from the Boston Public Garden to Massachusetts Ave. The road crosses many major arteries along its path, with an entrance to the Mass Pike westbound at Mass Ave. East of Mass Ave, it is a mile long street lined with historic 19th-century brownstones that contain hundreds of shops and restaurants, making it a popular destination for tourists and locals. The most high-end boutiques are located near the Boston Public Garden end of Newbury Street (ironically referred to as lower Newbury due the street numbers). As the address numbers climb, the shops become slightly less expensive and more bohemian up to Massachusetts Avenue. Newbury Street has an eclectic mix of shops and eateries. Its renovated brownstone buildings feature stores at all retail levels, -- physically (basement, street level, and above), stylistically (shabby chic to elegant), and financially (affordable to exclusive). There are coffee shops, trendy cafes and an array of restaurants to suit many tastes. Yet due to the concentration of up-scale stores at its lower end, it is touted as one of the most expensive streets in the world. Luxury goods stores include Ralph Lauren, Chanel, Armani, Nanette Lepore, Ted Baker, Ben Sherman, Donna Karan, Burberry, Cartier, Loro Piana, Kate Spade, Bang Olufsen, Valentino, Marc Jacobs and Ermenegildo Zegna. Chicago, IL Marshall Fields - (1852-2006). Was an upscale department store in Chicago, Illinois, that grew to become a major chain before being acquired by Macys, Inc. on August 30, 2005. MORRIS amp SONS - since 1952. Clothier for men and women. 557 W. Polk Street. SHRINE - Haberdashers. Committed to making the worlds finest and most obscure artisan-crafted mens accessories available to all. Costa Mesa, CA Dallas, TX Davenport, IA VON MAUR - family owned since 1872. 25 upscale department stores with wide selection of brand-name merchandise in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska and Ohio. A hallmark of some of the Von Maur services are a no-interest bearing credit card account, free shipping and free gift wrapping offered every day. Hollywood, CA Honolulu, HI Ala Moana Center - opened in 1959. The largest open air shopping mall in the world. Over 260 stores and restaurants as well as four well known department stores, including Macys and Neiman Marcus. Kalakaua Avenue - the main thoroughfare of Waikiki, named after Hawaiis last reigning king King Kalakaua, which houses most of the high-end hotels (Royal Hawaiian, Sheraton, Hyatt, Moana Surfrider Hotel), most of the luxury designer brand stores (Apple Store, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Burberry, Dior, Tiffany amp Co. Fendi, Cartier, Gucci amp Coach) and popular surf clothing brand stores (Quiksilver, Billabong, Volcom). Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center - 2201 Kalakaua Avenue. Los Angeles, CA AMERICAN RAG COMPAGNIE - flagship store: 150 South La Brea Avenue. One of the most innovative and trendsetting retailers in the United States. BEVERLY CENTER - opened in 1982. Located at the edge of Beverly Hills and West Hollywood. Anchor tenants include Macys, and Bloomingdales. LISA KLINE - upscale fashion boutique with large celebrity following. MAXFIELD - attracts a bounty of celebrity shoppers. OPENING CEREMONY - multifaceted environment comprised of retail spaces, showroom, and gallery that establishes a new international creative forum. Opening Ceremony brings together emerging American talent with both young and established designers and artists from abroad. New York City, NY If you cant find it in New York, you cant find it anywhere. The small sector of Fifth Avenue from Rockefeller Cetner to the Plaza Hotel, is the heart of the shopping metropolis of the world. The arteries stretch out onto Madison Avenue, Park Avenue, Lexington Avenue and the Village in the south of Manhattan. FIFTH AVENUE - the main shopping street of New York City. APPLE - flagship store: 767 Fifth Avenue. The store grosses more per square foot than any store in the world - also more in total, in absolute dollars. ABERCROMBIE amp FITCH - flagship store: 720 Fifth Avenue. BARNESampNOBLE - 555 Fifth Avenue, New York City, NY 10017, U. S.A. A Fortune 500 company, is the worlds largest bookseller and the nations highest rated bookselling brand. BARNEYS NEW YORK - luxury department chain store founded in 1923. Flagship store: 660 Madison Avenue. BERGDORF GOODMAN - luxury goods department store founded 1899. 754 Fifth Avenue. BEST amp CO. - (1879-1971). BLOOMINGDALES - affectionately referred to as Bloomies, upscale chain of department stores owned by Macys, Inc. Founded in 1861. Flagship store: 59th Street and 3rd Avenue. BONWIT TELLER - (1895-1990). BROOKS BROTHERS - oldest mens clothier chain in the United States. Since 2001 and now also features clothing for women. Business and casual clothing for men and women. Founded in 1818. Flagship store: 346 Madison Avenue. BUCCELLATI - founded in 1919. Flagship Store: 810 Madison Avenue. Cesare Attolini - flagship store on 798 Madison Avenue, at the corner of 67th Street in Manhattan. Synonym of Naples tailoring tradition all around the world. DEAN amp DELUCA - since 1977. Chain of upscale grocery stores and online gourmet suppliers. Dominique Ansel Bakery - 189 Spring St, Soho, New York, NY 10012, U. S.A. One of Top 10 Pastry Chefs in the United States by Dessert Professional Magazine. Winner of Time Out New Yorks Best Bakery 2012. Specialty: the Cronut (Half Croissant, Half Doughnut). EATALY - 200 5th Avenue, New York City, NY 10010. High-end Italian food market mall chain which first opened in Turin, Italy, in January 2007. The New York City Eataly 50,000 square-foot emporium opened in August 2010. FAO Schwarz - founded in 1862. Flagship Store: (General Motors Building) 767 5th Avenue 64 58th St. New York City, NY 10153. The oldest toy store in the United States. The company is known for its unique high-end toys, life-sized stuffed animals, dolls, and games. The FAO Schwarz flagship store on Fifth Avenue in New York City is a popular tourist destination, and has gained iconic status for its floor piano, cameos in major motion pictures, and real-life toy soldiers. FOLEY amp CORINNA - 114 Stanton Street. hammacher schlemmer - founded 1848. Flagship store: 145 East 57th Street, New York, NY 10022. HARRY WINSTON - founded 1932. Flagship Store: 718 5th Avenue at 56th Street. HENRI BENDEL - founded 1895. 712 Fifth Avenue. Upscale womens specialty store based in New York City that sells fashion accessories, cosmetics and fragrances, gifts and gourmet foods. IF - 94 Grand St. Fashion store. JEFFREY - 449 West 14th St. Fashion store. KITON - 4 East 54st Street. Kitons U. S. flagship store. LEDERER DE PARIS - 625 Madison Ave. The leading luxury leather store that has been gracing the fashion industry in Paris, London and New York since 1898. LORD amp TAYLOR - 424 Fifth Avenue. Founded 1826. The oldest upscale, specialty-retail department store chain in the United States. MACYS - founded 1858. Flagship store at Herald Square, between 34th and 35th on Broadway. MAGNOLIA BAKERY - since 1996. 401 Bleecker St. (at 11th St.), New York City, NY, U. S.A. Known for its famous dessert treats, including its cupcakes and old-fashioned Depression era icebox cakes. (The bakery has been featured in Lazy Sunday . a Saturday Night Live digital short broadcast in December 2005 also on Sex and the City . in the films Prime and The Devil Wears Prada . the sitcom Spin City . and was also briefly mentioned in the third season of Veronica Mars .) MASSIMO BIZZOCCHI - 433 West 14th Street. A window to a world of artisan crafted clothing and accessories from Italy and New York. OMEGA FINE JEWELLERY - founded in 1848. 711 Fifth Avenue. OPENING CEREMONY - 35 Howard Street. Multifaceted environment comprised of retail spaces, showroom, and gallery that establishes a new international creative forum in downtown Manhattan. Opening Ceremony brings together emerging American talent with both young and established designers and artists from abroad. PIAGET - founded in 1874. 730 Fifth Avenue. PRADA - 575 Broadway, at Prince St. (SoHo). Pradas Rem Koolhaas US40 million designed flagship store. Pucci - flagshipstore. Madison Avenue at 71st Street. Worlds largest Pucci store. The interior is modeled after the Palazzo Pucci in Florence. RALPH LAUREN - flagship stores: 867 (for men) amp 888 Madison Avenue (for women). RALPH LAUREN FINE JEWELRY STORE - 888 Madison Avenue. ROGAN STORE - ROGAN continues to fuse the traditional, experimental, rural and urban with clothing, architecture and art. SAKS FIFTH AVENUE - luxury specialty department store chain founded in 1898. Flagship store: 611 Fifth Avenue. Sephora - flagship store: 597 5th Avenue, New York City, NY 10017. Chain of cosmetics stores founded in France in 1993 and acquired by Paris-based conglomerate LVMH in 1997. The Sephora chain includes more than 750 stores in 21 countries. It carries over 250 brands of items that include makeup, skin care, fragrance, bath, hair products, hair tools, and other beauty accessories, including Sephoras own private label. TIFFANY amp CO. - since 1837. Flagship Store, 727 Fifth Avenue amp 57th Street. W. amp J. Sloane - (1843-1984). Flagship store at 8 West 38th Street, New York City. Furniture and rug store in New York City that catered to the wealthy. Over the years Sloanes clients included everyone from the novelist Washington Irving to John D. Rockefeller, founder of Standard Oil. WOOLWORTHS - (1879-1997). One of the original American five-and-dime stores. Oakland, CA I. Magnin amp Company - was an Oakland, California-based high fashion and specialty goods luxury department store. The chains flagship Oakland store was located at 20th and Broadway in downtown Oakland next to the Paramount Theatre. Palm Beach, FL More than one hundred years ago, railroad tycoon Henry Morrison Flagler established Palm Beach as a beach resort for his contemporaries, hundred years ago, art maecenas Addison Mizner, together with his friend and financier Paris Singer of the sewing machine dynasty, added the shopping nirvana to it: Worth Avenue - a mini-miracle mile for exclusive, extravagant and sinfully expensive shopping. WORTH AVENUE - sometimes referred to as the Rodeo Drive of Florida, is a famous upscale shopping district in Palm Beach. The epitome of Palm Beach style. The avenues oldest store, Kassatlys, has been in business since 1923. Reflecting the lifestyle of Palm Beach market, the street has approximately 250 high-end shops, boutiques, restaurants, and art galleries, that include Giorgio Armani, Neiman Marcus, Cartier, Louis Vuitton, Tiffany amp Co. Tourneau, Herms, Ralph Lauren, Gucci, Chanel, Vineyard Vines, Brooks Brothers, Hamilton Jewelers, Salvatore Ferragamo, Island Company, Intermix, St. John Boutique (clothing), Valentino, and many more. An open-air mall, 150 Worth (Formerly, The Esplanade), lies at the eastern end of Worth Avenue. 150 Worth offers a variety of upscale shops anchored by department stores Saks Fifth Avenue. Gucci - 150 Worth Avenue. Neiman Marcus - 151 Worth Avenue. Saks Fifth Avenue - 172 Worth Avenue. Tiffany amp Co. - 259 Worth Avenue. TRILLION - 315 Worth Avenue. Fashion store. Philadelphia, PA Wanamakers - department store. Was the first department store in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and one of the first department stores in the United States. At its zenith in the early 20th century, there were two major Wanamaker department stores, one in Philadelphia and one in New York City at Broadway and Ninth Street. Both employed extremely large staffs. By the end of the 20th century in the shopping-mall era, there were 16 Wanamakers outlets, but the chain was absorbed into Hechts (now Macys) in 1995 after years of change. As of 2012, the occupant of the former Philadelphia Wanamakers Department Store is Macys Center City. San Francisco, CA GAP - largest specialty apparel retailer in the U. S with 2,551 stores in the United States. Wingtip - 550 Montgomery Street. The ultimate store to find gifts for the Guy who has Everything Listed as one of the Top 10 Mens Stores in the country by Forbes. Seattle, WA NORDSTROM - founded 1901. Upscale department store chain in the U. S. Operates 112 full-line department stores in 28 different states. Sunrise, FL West Hollywood, CA FRED SEGAL - upscale and trendy Los Angeles, California based clothing retailer. LINDA MCNAIR - fine apparel, shoes, designer bags amp jewelry. South AmericaIm frequently asked by friends, family, clients, job candidates and random people I encounter on my travels what its like to work on the advisory side of a Big 4 firm. Typically, if theres time to discuss and theres mutual interest in the exchange, Im immediately bombarded with a slew of follow-up questions like: What do you do exactly How does one get into that line of work How much do you travel Is it a good career path Is there such a thing as work-life balance Is it challenging Do you think Id be good at it And so on The reason Im so consistently willing to discuss my perspective with so many people, especially young professionals, is that I was once in their position and had many of the same questions. When I received answers to my inquiries from people in the profession, many of whom continue to this day to be my friends, I was intrigued. After some time contemplating the potential challenges that such a job would offer, I decided to pursue a chance opportunity to join the ranks of Ernst amp Young LLP. Ive been with the firm almost three years now. Looking back, I feel as though the six years of professional experience I had accumulated prior to joining EampY, although invaluable on many levels, simply did not hold a candle to the client exposure, professional networks and shear rapid-fire experiences afforded to me in my present capacity. I must confess, however, that this outlook reflects how I feel today, which wasnt always the case. Reaching this point has taken an immense amount of patience, hard work, resilience, ambition, and even a little luck. YesI said luck. To be clear, this article has not been written under the guise of any Big Four recruiters. Its goal is not to solicit top talent or self-promote services offered or whatever other angles you might have running through your head right now. I respect all of the Big Four firms, especially mine, a great deal but feel that the only way to offer up a truly unbiased perspective on the lifestyle is to provide genuinely candid insight. The primary purpose of this article is to offer a balanced perspective to those who may be interested in such a career path regardless of industry focus or subject matter area. The article is structured with bold headings and key takeaway bullet points for those only interested in a quick scan. Feel free to bounce around if you already have a solid understanding of certain sections. Chapter 1: Advisory Services A former colleague of mine summed it up with the following catchphrase: What we sell is the space between these two ears. This bit of Yoda-like wisdom was followed by a slowly pointed finger to my forehead. At its simplest form, professional services is an industry where firms like Ernst amp Young provide clients with the right subject matter experience via resources at the right time and place and, of course, at the right price. As advisors to industry, we provide a valuable benefit, since large businesses are regularly confronted with a bevy of challenges that range from the commonplace, such as not having the internal subject matter experience needed in order to execute upon critical initiatives, to the less mundane, such as perhaps a regulatory mandate to leverage independent third-party consultation. The list in-between these two examples are vast to be sure and vary greatly in complexity. Organizational Structure: Now that you understand the demand from the client side, lets take a look at the delivery or firm side. Firms as you might expect are structured in such a way as to meet client demand. Ernst amp Young, like any of the Big Four or large professional services firm, is composed of a series of practices or unique groups of resources, ranging from a handful of people to several hundred, which tout similar subject matter experience. These practices are then lumped into larger organizational categories that support the firms overarching strategic vision. Confused yet Heres an example which should clarify things for you a bit: Im part of the Program Advisory Services practice, or PAS for short. My practice then rolls up into the Risk Advisory Services service line. Lets forget what these groupings actually do for the time-being. Now, imagine twenty (random number) other practices such as PAS which falls under the RAS umbrella. Hold that thought. Now once again try to imagine ten or so other service lines like RAS with once again a bunch of sub-service lines such as PAS. These groupings also vary from country to country and region to region depending on client demand in that particular geography. These service lines then roll into four major divisions which are: Assurance, Transaction, Tax and Advisory. Confusing, right Ah, such is life. Heres the cherry on top New practices form and old practices consolidate just about every year. Want to know why Its no secret. Because they have to so in order to remain current with the rigorous demands of an ever-changing market landscape. Heres an example: Imagine for a moment that a new regulation to govern Wall Street firms is passed and will be enforced in one years time. This is a possible scenario, I might add, given todays market conditions. The new regulation will have a significant impact on these companies for obvious reasons. It may be a bad luck scenario for companies, but it could be a big opportunity for their professional advisors. This event could provide the foundation for a business case to create a new practice in order to address this potential need of the future. Once the business case is formally presented and a firm commits to the investmentRecruit, train, sell and bam We now have a new practice with a new focus. This exemplifies why professional services firms cannot have a flat or rigid hierarchy. It is for that main reason that such a fluid organizational structure must be in place. It may not look pretty on an organizational chart (that is if you could even find one) but I assure you there is critical logic behind this labyrinth of practices. Heres a visual that will hopefully bring things further into focus for you: Advisors at professional services firms sell the space between their ears. Industry perspective, experience and subject matter experience are what clients are really paying for. Firms are equipped to address client demand by providing the right resources, at the right time and place and at the right price. The professional services industry is a very dynamic one, which does not follow a flat or rigid organizational structure. Chapter 2: Assurance vs. Advisory This section is specific to Ernst amp Young, but more than likely holds true for other firms in the Big Four. The content intentionally touches on only two of the four divisions, since its purpose is to help further distinguish the concept of organizational groupings used in major professional services firms and to provide some practical perspective on their differences. The first division well take a look at is Assurance. The second is Advisory. Assurance mainly encompasses classic audit services, including financial audits. Assurance is a very mature service offering with very well structured methodologies and reoccurring annual audit business it holds the top spot in terms of the most annual revenue generated for the firm. Advisory, on the other hand, is more similar to a classic management consulting mold. It is not nearly as consistent as Assurance work, but it is one of the fastest growing offerings within the firm. Compare amp Contrast: You might be thinking at this point, Which group is right for me, Assurance or Advisory Well, they are significantly different from one another. Hopefully, the following explanation sheds some light on this early career decision that youll need to make. Assurance work is typically very analytical and often time-consuming. Auditors during the busy season can easily spend sixty or more hours per week combing through data, searching for anomalies, and ultimately preparing reports that highlight their findings to a client. Depending on the engagement, assurance work generally staffs younger personnel to handle the lions share of the research, which is then reviewed by seniors or managers and ultimately signed off by a partner before the findings are presented to a client. This type of structure where engagement teams utilize less experienced personal to do the bulk of the work, with oversight provided by senior management, is called a leveraged model. The leveraged model is an optimized cost model for clients, which generally yields higher profits as well. The work is very well organized and methodically run with time-tested frameworks, checklists, etc. Based on my conversations with audit colleagues within the firm, this type of work can be quite grueling at times and not very dynamic in the sense that, once mastered, the process becomes rather routine. However, I know many senior resources who absolutely adore the audit career path theyve chosen and wouldnt have it any other way. Assurance work is also a great opportunity for young graduates who are looking to get into the field of accounting, audit, etc. Because of the leveraged model and consistently growing demand, Big Four firms are constantly recruiting for these types of positions. Advisory work, on the other hand, typically staffs a larger number of seasoned resources (Deleveraged Model) to address complex business challenges that dont always fit neatly into a service methodology. This type of work requires resources to be keenly aware of all the challenges a client is facing, whether the client recognizes the challenge or not. Resources must have the experience and skilled ability to tailor a solution that meets a clients needs, which can sometimes mean deviating from an industry best practice. The key is to find the right solution for the client at a single point in time and given all possible variables. Some Advisory engagements can be just as grueling as Assurance engagements, but the dynamic is significantly different. For instance, Assurance work typically focuses on producing audit reports or official attestation to formally document findings for a client. As you might expect, these reports carry with them significant implications. Clients have a tendency to be very cautious in their interactions with auditors, since it is essentially the auditors job to ask probing questions to understand the current state to support their findings. Relationships, while typically collaborative, can be underscored by a tension which is rather difficult to explain. In fact, I would love to hear from my Assurance counterparts in order to gain their perspective on this particular point. Advisory work, on the other hand, requires extensive interaction with the client to support them collaboratively in reaching a successful conclusion to their business problems. Interactions with clients can quickly develop into strong, long-lasting relationships, since Advisory work in many cases requires working closely together in order to reach a clients goal. The essence of Advisory work is essentially to advise the client based on the advisors knowledge. Assurance typically means youre formally telling the client what you found via an official attestation or report. Advisory typically means youre advising the client on ways to help that client with a problem via a report or collaborative interaction. The type of channel you work in will more then likely determine the type of environment youll face. You can imagine why an Assurance client may behave differently than an Advisory client based on the examples mentioned earlier. Chapter 3: Getting In Joining a Big Four firm or any reputable professional services firm is extremely challenging. They look for the obvious traditional strengths in candidates such as good attitude, subject matter experience, education, etc. But there are major differences between hiring a candidate straight out of school versus hiring an experienced professional. When graduates or inexperienced candidates are fortunate enough to be brought in for an interview, it is usually based on impressive academic credentials and successful internships that have caught the hiring managers eye. Education is a major qualifier that is used to qualify candidates right off the bat. However, once a candidate is brought in for an interview, the entire focus shifts from academic to interpersonal qualifications. The hiring manager will be focused on three elements (not necessarily in this order): 1. Social Competencies: Can this person hold a dynamic andor challenging conversation Is he or she likeable (This is extremely important when you consider the significance of client interaction) How effective is this candidates communication skills Will the candidate be able to interact well with other team members Does he or she exhibit leadership potential Does the candidate have the ability to sell him or herself (This is crucial, since if you cannot sell yourself to the hiring manager, how will you be able to sell yourself to the client) These are some of the critical questions that will be running through the hiring managers head as you speak and react to the questions asked. How you sell yourself is vital in this interaction. 2. Experience and Potential: This trait is a bit more traditional and expected but equally important. Does this candidate possess the prerequisite skill sets to get chargeable work (i. e.,billable to a client for services rendered) right out of the gate Does he or she possess experiences that may be marketable to a client Does the candidate have the potential to be successful in the role 3. X Factor: Though the bulk of the interview sessions will focus on your social competencies and experience, I feel theres one more element thats always considered in these interviews. I like to call it the X Factor. The Big Four and other major professional services firms all hire Type A personalities or High Performers. This means that for any given role that is available, there could potentially be a large number of candidates with exceptional competencies and experience. How do you separate yourself from the pack WellHighlight something unique, something uncommon, something that will stick in the hiring managers head once youve left the room. For me, my X Factor was highlighting my business start-up ventures while still holding a full time job and going to school. Whats your X Factor Give it some thought, as it could end up being the tiebreaker between two highly qualified candidates. When hiring experienced candidates, I feel that the same qualifiers listed above do apply, but the trait that now carries the most weight is the candidates ability to sell. The candidate must posses either the ability to sell work to clients, or he must bring with him a book of business or a major network of opportunities. Although you will still be utilized for your superior subject matter knowledge and leadership, your success ultimately will be judged by your ability to generate revenue for the firm. It is for that reason that many seasoned subject matter professionals who try to make the leap into the Big Four world are denied entry because of their lack of sales experience. Of course, the sequence of importance when it comes to these elements varies from practice to practice. A more mature practice may already have a robust pipeline of opportunities, and the focus may be on hiring resources to deliver sold work. A less developed practice, on the other hand, may need seasoned rainmakers to help stabilize sales goals andor grow the pipeline. It all depends on the need at the time. Chapter 4: Engagements Defined While Project is the commonly used vernacular across corporate industry, Engagement is the internal buzzword used by professional services firms. It basically means the same thing. More specifically, Engagement is the terminology used to describe a project that will be worked on for a client. Engagements vary in size and staffing requirements. Staffing resources for engagements typically funnel through a Resource Scheduler who keeps track of all resources available at any point in time. The early stages of an engagement require interaction between the client and the Engagement Manager, the resource who is charged with organizing, kicking off and controlling the project, typically a senior resource, in order to negotiate the terms of the project. Once the timeline, budget and resources needed have been established, the engagement manager will simultaneously create a statement of work (SOW), a document which legally establishes the expectations of the project, and will reach out to the resource scheduler in order to view available personnel and formally obtain the dedicated resources needed for the engagement. Depending on the type of project, these resources can be obtained from multiple practices and even different countries if necessary. Once the SOW is signed by the client and the resources obtained, the project can then officially commence. Chapter 5: You have a paycheck but you dont have a job Working at a professional services firm is a very fast-paced and demanding environment where superb networking abilities mean a better shot at advancing up the ranks. Even if youre a newly added hotshot to a firm, it does not guarantee that you will jump onto a major client engagement right away. This has to do with a number of critical factors such as: Sold opportunities may not need your type of skill set. Sold opportunities need your skill set but someone else in the firm beat you to the punch. Sold opportunities need your skill set but the client did not feel you were the right fit for the project. Sold opportunities need your skill set but the internal engagement manager did not feel you were the right fit for the project. You may need specific training to position yourself for an opportunity. Theres a lull in opportunities within your practice. Once you join a firm, it is imperative that you network with as many people as you can. Introduce yourself to everyone in your practice and in other practices. In fact, introduce yourself to as many people in your firm as you can Take people you meet out to lunch or coffee. Get to know colleagues and tell them what youre capable of and always offer to help out with anything you can. Sound a bit unsettling It can be. When I first joined Ernst amp Young, I was unassigned (not on a billable project) for the first month-and-a-half. It was unnerving, to say the least, but it does happen. The market had slowed considerably, and the project my partner had lined up for me had fallen through. It is at that time when a new hire has a choice to make. Sit back and wait to be placed somewhere (not a recommended option, as you never know where you might end up), or proactively market yourself and build up your knowledge. I chose the latter by taking internal educational modules and classes (I took so many that I met my three year target in several months) and networking with as many people as I could. Over a two month period I had scheduled and met with over thirty different Partners, Senior Managers and Managers just to introduce myself and get my name out there. It was out of those interactions that I stumbled upon a few leaders who appreciated my unique skill sets and took me under their wings. An opportunity eventually came up which landed me in California for a successful two-month gig. This project helped build up my personal brand within the firm. From there, I was immediately placed on a new opportunity. This was due to my success on the previous engagement and recommendation from the previous engagement manager. This is what I like to call the Snow Ball effect, where you build brand momentum from one engagement to the next. If you can manage to keep this momentum going, youll be sought after within the firm and frequently pitched as the right candidate to clients. Be prepared for the reality that you might not jump onto a major client right away. It may require patience before you get your first major opportunity to shine. You have a paycheck but you dont have a job. It is your responsibility to be proactive and position him or herself for new projects. Build your professional network and relationships, as they will pay dividends when the time comes to land new projects. Create brand momentum from one engagement to the next so you become a desirable resource to senior leadership within your practice. Chapter 6: Client Relationships No two clients are alike. Remember that. They each have own personalities, expectations, quirks and experiences. Youll be faced with rational clients with great personalities and realistic expectations. Youll also face irrational clients with difficult personalities and sometimes unrealistic expectations. Client types are infinitely different from one another. You need to be able to work with all of them in order to help them and your team to be successful. At the end of the day, you must earn the clients trust in order to level-set expectations so both parties are getting something out of the transaction. When it comes to relationships, the goal will always be to strive to build a long term relationship with any client. One rooted in trust above all. These relationships can yield mutually beneficial results for both the client and the advisor alike. Short-term relationships happen as well with the hope that one day they will blossom into something sustainable. A top tier firm worth its salt will always think longer term and never think of a client as quick boost in revenue. That type of behavior simply devalues an organizations overall brand which really doesnt help out anyone in the long term. Exposure: With all that said, exposure to these personalities and challenges is extremely valuable. Organizational leadership style has a tendency to trickle down to employees. In many instances, the manner in which a client behaves is due to the fact that he or she is simply a product of his or her own environment. There are always exceptions, but youll be exposed to numerous environments and get a sense as to why certain styles work for some organizations and not for others. You will carry this exposure and these insights with you to every client or job you tackle in the future. In my opinion, you cant put a price tag on this type of exposure. Once you get a taste of these rapid-fire experiences, it will be hard to find a job anywhere that will build up your experience faster. Working on successful projects across multiple Fortune 500 companies makes for unbelievably powerful resume fodder. Youll be faced with very different types of client. Youll need to adapt. Successfully establishing a relationship with a client requires a tremendous amount of observational abilities, patience, timing and trust. Youll be exposed to how companies work, which ranges from brilliant to draconian. Learn from them Take those experiences with you from client to client. Chapter 7: Key Metrics I touched on chargeability earlier but felt it was important to expand upon the topic, given its underlying significance. In any major professional services firm, the primary metric to determine how successful you are over the course of the year is that of Utilization. This metric essentially indicates how profitable you are. More precisely, it is the comparison of your charged hours against your available hours. There are two different calculations for utilization: Full Utilization: includes all available hours, including vacation. Effective Utilization: subtracts vacation time from available hours. Heres an example for you: 40 (available hrs per week) x 52 (Weeks in a year) 2080 80 (2 weeks of vacation). I chose 2 weeks as it rounded out the number nicely. It does not represent reality. That gives us a total of 2000 hrs of available time for the year. Lets say that you charged 1500 hrs of time to client work over that same year. Lets do the math: 1500 2000 75. 75 Effective utilization 1500 2080 72 72 Full utilization Now that you know how its calculated, think about the implications of having a personal target of 75 full utilization over the course of a year. Play with the numbers. Input 5 weeks of vacation time into the formula and see how much it affects your percentage. The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate not only how the figures are reached but what that means for you personally. Think about it: Having a consistent 40hrweek billable time for an entire year is not always a common situation. You will have good months where you charge much-needed overtime hours to get the work done, but there will also be those months where you might not be charging anything at all. Being on the beach for a significant period of time could bring you down just as quickly as that overtime earlier in the year brought you up. Its something you always need to have your eye on, as you better believe the partners will. Sales: Managers and above are held accountable for reaching yearly sales targets. Meeting, exceeding or missing sales goals will play a part in determining your annual rating. Sell, sell, sell Quality: Client deliverables and internal initiatives generally are reviewed by peers or those senior to you in order to ensure the materials are of the highest quality. Not producing high-quality deliverables is something that could impact your brand negatively. Again, this too will play a role in your annual rating. Personal Goals: Every person is responsible for establishing personal growth goals with his or her counselor (everyone gets one). Once a goal is documented and approved by the counselor, you will be held accountable for meeting it by the end of the fiscal year. For instance, most practices require team members to obtain some sort of professional certification to bolster their marketability. If you set one of your goals to obtain the PMP certification, for instance, and you end up not obtaining that certification during the originally targeted timeframe, you will be held accountable. Extracurricular: Extracurricular essentially focuses on additional accomplishments over the course of the year which may not necessarily be client-based. Think of these as brownie points. For instance, I teach a project management course every 3 4 months to internal employees. Although I enjoy doing it a great deal, my main motivation behind this activity is to help differentiate my brand from my peers. Administrative: The final metric I wanted to bring attention to is that of administrative activities. This is something that blindsides many new hires to the industry because they generally have no idea how much administrative overhead is involved from week to week. Every week, you are required to submit a timesheet detailing how you spent every working hour of the completed week. There are also frequent mandatory online courses, training sessions or independence confirmations that must be taken on a periodic basis. Youre also in charge of your own expenses and credit card when working on an engagement. Just because you use a company credit card does not mean you dont have to worry about it. I regularly spend 1 2 hours per week submitting my expenses. I cant tell you just how infinitely painful this process is. However, it is a necessary evil and does become easier over time because it tends to evolve into second-nature behavior. Chapter 8: Is it right for you A career path in the world of professional services can yield very exciting and fulfilling life experiences. It places you on the fast track to obtaining impressive professional credentials that can very well propel you to high places. This statement holds true for both young and experienced professionals alike. However, its not all rose petals and blue skies. As in any career path one must always consider the worklife balance dichotomy. Its a critical element which undoubtedly plays a role in everyones career decisions at one point or another. I believe entering into the world of professional services is oversimplified by labeling it as just a career path. Its a rollercoaster ride of unparalleled excitement one minute, which can be punctured by more sobering realities the next, all of which are experienced at break-neck speeds with little to no time to recoup. I firmly believe it takes a special type of person to thrive mentally in such an environment. Can you balance the rigors of the lifestyle, which often requires extensive travel, long hours and time away from your family and friends The field pretty much guarantees at least 2 out of 3 to occur on any given engagement. Please do not misconstrue this perspective as blatant discouragement from pursuing the profession. Like I mentioned early in the article, I personally adore the field and all the professionallife experiences its afforded me thus far. I wouldnt have it any other way. I just feel it is important to strip away the mystique because consultants are often perceived or imagined as having glamorous lifestyles where they jet set around the world with their big paychecks and not a care in the world. Dont get me wrong, there are tremendous advantages to the lifestyle. But just as there are advantages, I want to make sure the disadvantages are equally transparent. With that said, I feel the following would be a worthwhile exercise for young professionals. Ive put together a list of pros and cons, as seen through my eyes, to provide some meaningful decision-making context. My hope is that this article provided some unique perspective which you may not have received before. And if you have, then good, it means youve been doing the necessary research in order to make an informed career decision. Just like any other career path, professional services may very well provide the types of opportunities or challenges youre personally looking for. On the flip side, it may not. In any case, the materials presented before you should have provided enough meaningful context to decide whether or not youd like to learn more about the profession or perhaps steer away from it altogether. At the end of the day, the most important thing is that you do whats right for you and your family. Its not for everyone. If its right for you. Congratulations Strap on your safety belt and get ready for the ride. I think Rich8217s overview is very good. For people looking at joining, I think one extra piece of advice that I gave my younger brother several years ago when he was first looking to join a 8220big 48243 firm (or 8220big 58243 as it was then). Big 4 firms are very risk-averse and conservative (probably a mindset driven by the legal requirement to perform financial audits with no limit of liability). These firms do not look to recruit the person most likely to succeed, they look to recruit the person least likely to fail. This means that you must be sufficiently capable to jump the (very high) hurdle, but being able to jump even higher doesn8217t add much extra kudos to your application (but being unable to jump as high as the hurdle means you won8217t get in, period). The firms are very wary of finding an uncontrollable genius who might outperform 80 or 90 of the time but occasionally does something a bit different 8211 and to a big 4 firm, it doesn8217t take long to leave the 8220different8221 field and reach the 8220freaky8221 field. This is one reason why durng the dot boom the big 4 setup self-contained businesses to handle some of the client work. For example KPMG created Metrius. The aim was to recruit some of the people who could add real value in developing eBusiness strategies and solutions, but maybe weren8217t the type that fitted naturally into a big 4 environment. Things have changed since I first gave this advice to my brother. As an ex-Andersen person, I remember how unusual it was to see people in pastel-colored shirts. But then Andersen joined the dot 8220movement8221 and business-casual dress became the flavor of the month. Thanks for the comment and great insight Rob. Risk aversion is definitely a great element to highlight about Big 4 firms. A very good post Rich. I think it gives a different perspective and should help a young professional make a sound and informed decision about their career path. Thanks for sharing Katerina Principali June 24th, 2009 at 3:03 am This essay delivers on the bright and timely idea that filled the void. Your work is appreciated by many. Now may I offer a bit of constructive (I hope) criticism. In parts the article is too basic, adds little to what could be gained by browsing the firms8217 sites, e. g. business structure of service lines is laid out pretty clearly on EampY site. The author8217s constrains are understandable as the document was 8220signed off8221 by the firm for publication. It also would have been nice to recruit colloborators from other major divisions to add to the richness of the article. Given the audience for the piece, young inexperienced outsiders who are probably still in college, the language turns sometimes into strange lingo, e. g. 8220I know one senior resource8221 More insights akin to the one from Robert Waters will greatly benefit the article and the keen aspiring community of readers. MBM is a great site by the way. Thank you for bringing me here. Just wanted to say that I read your blog quite frequently and I8217m always amazed at some of the stuff people post here. But keep up the good work, it8217s always interesting. 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Thanks to Ulthera, this dream of beautiful resplendent skin can be accomplished during a short hour or two away from work. After receiving two or three treatments-which is the average amount needed-patients will experience a couple minor side effects that are usually temporary. Use shades that are lighter than the color of your hair unless your hair is white or blonde where you will use a dark pencil instead. The Ardell serum contains a unique and scientifically generated blend of proteins and conditions that will restore eyebrow growth. HD eyebrows resolve these problems and after a few visits, can give you the naturally beautiful eyebrows seen on celebrity faces. First textbooks warned doctors encompassing the history and physical appearance a lot about lab tests. Outre l8217avantage fiscal, l8217investisseur bnficiera d8217une force de ngociation plus puissante que s8217il tait seul, d8217une mutualisation des risques d8217un ticket moyen investi plus lev, donc un pouvoir suprieur au sein de la cible, le holding ayant des tickets autour de 800 KE 1 ME, contre un ticket de maximum de 70. Logiciel pour trader option binaire. L8217importance des changes rcents semble expliquer la baisse du cours et la valorisation actuelle de Sebdo ENR, infrieure ses fonds propres. Gagner argent grace bourse. L8217Oral. petit e-commerce deviendra grand. Options binaires gagner sa vie. Le chiffre d8217affaires de Selectirente est ressorti 8,8 ME sur l8217exercice 2007 dont 8, 04 ME de loyers, en progression de plus de 30 par rapport 2006. Options binaires trucs et astuces. Notons qu8217elle est infrieure la valeur nominale de l8217action (1,70 Euro). Gagner argent internet. Soit au total, 2,8 MdsE d8217actifs haut de gamme situs dans le triangle d8217or parisien. 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